This project is a collaboration between Associate Professor Rachel Nordlinger (RUIL, University of Melbourne) and Dr. Ian Green (University of Adelaide), and has been financially supported by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language. The main goal of this project is to make accessible for researchers and communities Ian Green's extensive field notes, recordings, and analyses of many of the languages of the Daly region in Northern Australia, as recorded between 1980 and 1996. An additional aim is to provide a portal for information about all of the Daly languages, their relationships and available resources.
To date, all of Green’s recordings and fieldnotes have been digitized and archived with PARADISEC, and are linked to from the appropriate language pages on this site. Other resources for the languages are included where possible, and with the permission of the authors.
An important part of this project involves the repatriation of recordings back to the relevant communities. In July 2016, Green and Nordlinger travelled through the Daly region, visiting communities associated with eight different languages and distributing over 40 USBs filled with language recordings to family members of the people Green worked with in the 1980s and 1990s. More information about this trip, including photos, can be found here.
Copyright of original data and analyses on this website belongs to Ian Green, or to other authors as listed. Original data & analyses should be cited as indicated on individual pages. This website as a whole should be cited as:
Green, Ian & Nordlinger, Rachel
The Daly Languages (Australia).
web resource
Thanks to Peter Hurst for building the website and database, and to Kate Charlwood, Brighde Collins, Geneva Goldenberg & Chris Venning for their RA work. This website is a work-in-progress and will be progessively enhanced and expanded as the project continues. If you have something relevant that you would like added to the website, please contact us at
Note: Where possible, stakeholders of the material presented on this website have been contacted and permission granted for the use of the works referenced here. If you are concerned about something hosted on this website - could you please get in contact with us at
This website is database driven and built upon open source technologies - in particular PHP & MySQL. We also made use of exisiting frameworks and code from other sources such as Bootstrap. For example, the production of the dynamically language family trees was greatly simplified owning to CSS code from Ted at With relatively little work, the code and database for this website could be customised to represent other language families as well. If you are interested in using this code for your own website, please contact Peter Hurst.
COPYRIGHT 2022 Ian Green & Rachel Nordlinger |