Ian Green’s corpus contains recordings of the following languages, collected in the period 1980-1996. Many of the people that Ian worked with and recorded were amongst the last fluent speakers of their languages. Ian’s corpus also contains a large collection of field notes, as well as dictionary materials, unpublished manuscripts containing grammatical description and linguistic analysis of most of the languages, as well as historical reconstructions. This project will ultimately make all of these materials available through this website.
There is a total of 157 hours of recordings for 11 languages, as listed below. All recordings have been digitized and are available in PARADISEC. Further details of these recordings, and links to them in the PARADISEC archive are provided on the individual language pages of this site.
There is also a large collection of field notebooks which are in the process of being scanned and added to PARADISEC. Where these notebooks contain transcriptions of field recordings, these have been added to the same item in PARADISEC so that the recording and the associated pages of the field notebook can be accessed together. Each field notebook is also deposited as a separate item in PARADISEC in its entirety. Manuscripts laying out linguistic analyses, wordlists, historical analyses etc. are added to the relevant pages as pdf files, and listed under the resources for each language.
COPYRIGHT 2022 Ian Green & Rachel Nordlinger |